Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Entry #13

My overall opinion of Estero Island Cottage and Matanzas Pass was that Jo is a very sweet and kind woman who taught us about the history of Ft. Myers Beach, once known as Estero Island. At Matanzas Pass, the sights were mangrove trees and murky water, with the sound of the waves. On Ft. Myers Beach there are more businesses growing and tourist that come seasonally, which bring more traffic to the Island. Since I was a child, my hometown has changed with roads being widened, more housing being developed, and more businesses. No, I do not feel a sense of community, for I live out in the estates. If a developer offered me 300 percent the market value of my childhood home to develop into condos or if the county approached me about purchasing the land under the 20/20 program, for 80 percent of its market value; my answers to both of the questions about accepting the offer or not accepting the offer, would depend on where I am at in my life at that time.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Entry #12

Sustainable consumerism is the use of goods and services that respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of life, while reducing the use of natural resources so in order to not harm the future generations. Globalization and capitalism are negative drivers in sustainable consumerism because they are harmful to our future generations. I already pay a premium for organic foods, but if it got even more expensive then I would just grow more of my own food then I do now. It would be nice to get food from mom and pop stores, but it's more expensive then the chain stores; so therefore I prefer the chain stores because it's cheaper.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Entry #11

The kinds of emotions the word "downtown" evokes are busy, crowded, horrible driving, no parking, expensive, and lots of restaurants and hang out spots. The stature in communities changed over time because downtown area are known for the rich older citizens, but it now has nightlife for young adults. Downtown Ft. Myers is experiencing something of a renaissance because of the reconstruction and development of a newer community without losing some of the historic buildings. Some of the prominent architectural features are the designs of the buildings. To rekindle the "pedestrian" spirit, it's designed to have people walk on the cobblestone pavements and create a walking environment. Some "nods to history" that we saw on the tour was the monument of Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone, which all once lived in Ft. Myers (once known as, Ft. Harvie). McGregor Boulevard got the name because Flossy McGregor wanted the cattle pull road to be paved, so she petitioned and paid for half the cost. The economy of Ft. Myers evolved from past to present because of a successful financial district. It all relates to sustainability because it preserves the history and is a great place for people the hang out.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Entry #10

When I was calculating my ecofootprint, I thought I was going to do pretty good. If everyone lived like me, we'd need 5 Earths to provide enough resources. To support my lifestyle, it takes 22.1 global acres of of the Earth's productive area. I thought I was going to do better then that. I could purchase products that use less packaging or are made out of 100 percent  post-consumer recycled content materials to reduce my footprint. It would reduce my footprint by .3 Planet Earths to 4.6 Planet earths. The maximum population that Earth can sustain is probably about 1 to 2 billion people.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Entry #9

Energy is worth under ten cents per kilowatt hour in the United States. That sounds cheap, but if you calculate the amount of energy that the average household uses a day , its more than you would think. Conservation is not a dirty word, it just means that we need to turn off the water when we brush our teeth, not letting the shower run when we aren't using it , turn the lights off when someone leave the room, and so on. These tiny changes make a huge difference. I would tell Jimmy Cardigan that he was too ambitious with his plans for alternative energy. He wanted Americans to lower their thermostats to 65 degrees during the winter. He told Americans to put on an extra sweater to keep warm. I think it would be good if the government manages the way energy is used throughout the country, but for now, fossil fuel is our main source of energy. I would say using solar energy has to be the best way to use energy. If calculators can have mini solar panels that barely take up space, then I'm positive that we can find the right technology to develop similar panels for houses and buildings. To reduce my energy footprint tomorrow, I will recycle, turn off the lights, ceiling fans, and water when I am not using it, unplug any electronics that I am not using it. In five years, I hope to continue to practice that same things I am doing today.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Entry #8

I think climate change is a combination of both anthropogenic (manmade) and natural. I would say 30 percent is manmade and 70 percent is natural. I would consider scientist to be reputable sources for climate change information. Some reliable sources for climate change information are IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), WMO (United Nations World Meteorological Organization), UKCIP (UK Climate Impacts Programme), US Global Change Research Programme, Environment Canada, Ensembles (EU climate modeling project), CSIRO (Australian climate scenarios), The Royal Society, Spencer Weart's Discovery of Global Warming. The media portrays climate change as a point of no return and that the next generation is doomed. I wouldn't say the media's portrayal of climate change alters my lifestyle. I don't believe everything I hear from the media. The effects of climate change on my children and grandchildren will be the thinning of the ozone layer, which will penetrate more UV rays.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Entry #7

Ecology of the Eucalyptus tree is it is a diverse tree with more than 700 species. It is one the oldest trees on earth and thrives in warm, wet winters, and dry summers. It's native to Australia and Tasmania. Climates in Florida and Hawaii provide the best US weather and conditions for Eucalyptus trees. These trees grow from 30 to 200 feet tall,  but can reach 300 feet. Eucalyptus trees produce white, pink, red, and yellow flowers. This technology benefits humans and the environment; the trees provide food for birds and insects. Eucalyptus is also known for its medicinal benefits. Some potential intrinsic concerns are Eucalyptus flowers produce nectar which is used as the main source of honey in Australia. It's leave produce a waxy oil that prevents water loss in hot weather. It's oil is an effective deodorizer and insect repellent. Eucalyptus leaves are kangaroos and koalas favorite to eat. Some potential extrinsic concerns are if used in high doses for medicinal benefits, it can be toxic. It can also cause an allergic reaction and isn't recommended for children under 6 years old or women who are pregnant or are breastfeeding. Eucalyptus is flammable and must be stored away from heat and fire. I think the benefits outweigh the risks.